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Eine alphabetische Auflistung von Spielen, die mit einem RPG Maker für Windows erstellt wurden.
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Name | Status | Autor | Genre | Aktive Zeit | Sprache | RPG Maker |
,o!x | Er Te Pe | Adventure | 2009 | RPG Maker 2003 | ||
Ⅲ | vi.Heil Sweeter than Sweet |
2000 | RPG Maker 2000 | |||
1899 - London Gothic | Grandy RAMart IMAGI.nation Der Rabauke |
RPG Maker XP | ||||
2003VP | Xibalba / シバルバー | Geschicklichkeit | 2008 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
2048 | Kojote | Geschicklichkeit | 2015 | RPG Maker VX Ace | ||
3D Pong | Blaster | Geschicklichkeit | 2003 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
3 Monkeys | Itaju | Horror | 2003 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
8 Sinners | Sabaku |
- (0_0)
- 08/15 The Game (R4in, 2004)
- 1001 - Der Prinz von Bagdad (2007-...)
- 1111furcht.rar
- 12am
- 13 Engel (2004)
- 14 Destinies Intertwined
- 1921 (NaitLesnah, Genosse Wolflinski, Valerius, 2003)
- 1942 - Stalingrad
- 21 Jack Street
- 21 Years: A Birthday Game for Muffle
- 2010 Setsubun Game 2010節分ゲーム
- 2159 - El Centenario
- 2D Blood
- 2Infinity
- 2 Player Block Puzzle
- 46031kHz
- 4Gewinnt (Manuel, 2005)
- 5th ERA
- 6host
- 7º Continente
- 7 Days (2010)
- 7Devils ~ The age of Chaos (Mayaki, 2005-2007)
- 7 Minutes
- 9th Existence
- 9th Existence II
- →→→ (2017)
- ◎
- A Bad Game
- Abdogtion
- Abensurg Crosspaths
- Abenteuer des großen Baldus
- Aberrant
- Aberrant 2
- Above Hell
- A Break for Bowser
- Absolute Akestas Tournament
- Abstract Paroxysm: Fratelli di anima
- A Butterfly's Song
- Abyssal of the Opera
- Abyssal Shine: Nevermelt
- Abyss-Diver ♯1 - Dai-1-wa
- Abyss Fantasy
- Abyss War (2008-????)
- acai cOrner
- Acak - Random
- A Canvas For Eternity
- Acaso - Iris (2013-2014)
- Acatalepsy アカタリプシー
- Accelerated World
- Acceptance 2ugar Diet
- Ace Heroes
- A Celestial Weapon
- Acetonic Mushrooms Season 1
- Acetonic Mushrooms Season 2
- A Cliche BirthDay
- Acromage (Darkiboy, 2006)
- A Cruel Moon
- ActionRPG
- ACTION RPG ppoi NANIKA (2015) アクションRPGっぽいなにか
- a dark tale - dunkle Legenden
- A Decent RPG
- Adeline of the West
- A Demon Crystal Story
- A Demon's Story (Lord Biowulve, 2004)
- A Devil's Chance
- A devils Nightmare (2007)
- Adictos al Caos
- Adventure Ace
- Adventure Unlimited
- Aelwyn's Journey
- Aequilibritas
- Aerias Chroniken
- Aetherion
- Aether Pulse
- A Fancy Little Adventure
- A Figment of Discord
- Afterlife: The Second Dimension
- After man
- A Full Moon Tale
- Against the Night (Luigi, 2004)
- Agamemnon X
- A Gang of Weirdos
- Agapan
- A.G.A.W.I.S.
- Agent B0rk
- Age of Archeia
- Age of Darkness (Milef, Nightcrawler, 2003-...)
- Age of Dead (hanse, 2004)
- Age of Fantasy
- Age of Myth
- Age of Sun (Drakal, 2003-2004)
- A Ghostly Rose
- A Ghost's Lullaby
- A Ghost Tale
- Agony
- A Half-n-Half Affair
- Ahau Gorila
- A Hint of a Tint
- A Home Far Away
- Ahriman's Prophecy (2004)
- AI
- Aim for the Stars
- Ainori TAXI (2003) アイノリタクシー
- Airhockey エアホッケー
- Akaime - Das Auge der Wahrheit
- Akaime - Teufesjäger
- Akashi 証
- A King's Son
- Akor and the fallen Blossom
- Akte X: Die Suche
- Akuma no Tou
- Akumujou no Amiha 悪夢城のアミハ
- Alchemist no Irumachi de
- Alchemistress Vivi
- Alex Action 1 アレックスアクション1
- Alex Action 2 アレックスアクション2
- Alex Adventures
- Alex Adventures 5 (2003)
- ALEX: A Two-Day Collaborative Game
- Alex-Destiny (2003)
- Alex hinter den Spiegeln
- ALEX III: A Three-Day Collaborative Game
- Alex in Doodle Land
- Alex' letzte Reise
- Alex' letztes Abenteuer
- Alex Maldito
- Alex Mania
- Alex's Adventures Chapter 01: The Sphex!
- Alex's Party (2007)
- Alex's Weg ins Paradies
- Alex, Schicksalsjahre eines Helden
- Alex vs. Brian (2010)
- Alfalone: Tower of Demise
- Alfons schleimiger Kampf gegen Gott
- ALGO (2005)
- Algus no Tsurugi (2008)
- Alice fell to Neverland
- ALICE IN A.D.10001 (2018)
- Aliens: This Time it's War! (Saino, 2004)
- Alien vs Predator
- A Lion in Scarlet
- A little Christmas Story
- ALIVE (2004)
- ALIVE (creeperfire23)
- Allegrezza Harmony
- ALL Living ThingS (2005)
- Almar
- Almari
- Almaria (Maturion, 2009)
- ALONE (2015)
- Alp
- Altarien: Lord of Darkness (Illidan, 2005)
- Alter A.I.L.A.
- Alter Ego (2006)
- Alter Fantasy The Fourth Age
- Alter Legend
- ~ alter perfect ~
- Altima
- Alveron - Withering Roots (CupHogGames, 2018-...)
- Always Sometimes Monsters (2014)
- Alyssa - Chapter 1: Moonlight (2002)
- A Maiden's Ballad
- Amarimono XP
- Amarok: Blood of the North
- Amarok's Howl
- Amateur's Garden
- Amazing Trip (2001)
- A meeting of dreams
- Amidst the Cold Night
- Amihailu in Dreamland
- Amillusion
- Amnesiac (2002)
- AMOK - RobotFightArena
- Among Thieves
- Amort
- A Most Inconvenient Evening
- Amulet of Athos: Legend of the Sarian Knights
- Anagram
- Anamorphosis
- Anarchy
- An Assassins Odyssey: The epic of the dark scrolls
- Anastacia
- Ancient Death
- Ancient Soup of mysterious Tales of Stones (2013)
- Ancient Spirits (2005-...)
- Ancient War (2006)
- And the Hero will die (Dragonmaster, 2004)
- And My Dog Loves Me
- An Earnest Heart: Delve
- An Elf's Adventure (2007)
- An Elf's Adventure 2009 (2009)
- Anemone
- An Essay in Insipidity II
- An Essay on Insipidity III
- A Never Ending Story (Kev, 2005)
- An Evil Night
- An Exercise in Futility
- Angel and Devil: Chapter 1
- Ángel Demoníaco
- Angelic Virtues
- Angel-Minispiel
- Angeln (2003)
- Angels & Manjyus
- Angel's Phönix (duke, 2003)
- Angra Mainu
- Angriff der Orks
- A Nice Game of Chess (2016)
- A Nightmare in Sunnydale
- Animal Crossing: Old Pals, New Friends
- Animalistic Worlds
- Anima Reprise
- A Ninja's Tale (2004)
- Anitures - Episode Zero
- Ankunft
- Annabelle
- Anod (NaitLesnah, 2003)
- Another Life (2003)
- Another Moon Whistle
- Another Way
- An Outcry.
- Answered Prayers
- Antadin
- Anthony
- Antike Macht (2005)
- Anti Zombie (SnowyG, 2004)
- An Unusual Cadence
- any.one online
- Ao no Kugutsu Kanzen-ban (2006) 蒼の傀儡 完全版
- A Parsons Passion (2008)
- Apartment
- A Path of Darkness
- Apocalipsis
- Apocalypse RM2k3
- Apocalypse - The Castle (Keksiii, 2009)
- Apon the Brow of Tomorrow, Clear
- A Promise of Love
- Arabian Nights: The Three Apples
- ARAK der Wächter
- A Random Life
- Arcadia Tactics
- Arcanium:Magia
- Arcanum Landscapes (Kadaj1000x, 2007)
- Arcanus (MP©oool, 2005)
- Archmage Adventure
- Are
- Arélcun (2008-...)
- Aremen's Moon Patrol
- Are? Omae hagetene? (2012) あれ?お前禿げてね?
- Argon "Infidel Cave" (2005-????)
- Arian Wild
- Aria's Story
- Arid Abysm
- Ariela
- Arigatou! Watashi no Keiei ありがとう!ワタシの経営
- A Riggy2k3 Christmoss
- Arkaden (2009)
- Arkandia (2004)
- Arkania (zerzaro, Schnorro, 2005)
- Arlex macht irgendwas (2009)
- Armored
- Arnold Caufe
- A Rogue's Tale
- Around me, crimson-stained leaves
- Artificial
- Arukemi ☆ School Life ~ Sylpheed no Atelier pre-Story
- Arum, the RM Universe
- Aryen - a tale of a hero
- A Safe Place Chapter One: The Otherworld Takeover
- Asakaze Iro no Kiseki (2008/2009) 朝風色の奇跡
- Ascendence
- Ascension - Chronicle of Blackhaven
- Ascent - The Story of the World-Binding Tower
- Ascheregen Gaiden: Eine russische Weihnachtsgeschichte
- Ashes Woods (2009)
- Ashley to Maouhark no Kisai (2021) アシュリーとマオウハークの奇祭
- Ashuras ~ Schatten der Vergangenheit (2006)
- Asleep
- A Snowball's Chance
- Assassination Heist
- Assassin - The Legend of Darkness (Alan, 2007)
- A Stolen Love and the Forgotten Promise
- Astra Hunter Zosma
- Astral Awakening
- Astral Fantasy
- Astral Guard - Table Talk
- Astronomer & Witch
- Astyanax: Wrath Steel
- Asunana -Astoria Oukoku Kishidan Dainana Shoutai- あすなな-アストリア王国騎士団第七小隊-
- A Sunset Dream
- A Thief's Voyage
- Atom OI
- Atonement
- A Traitor's Hold
- Attack of the MZ RTP
- Attack On The Curse
- Attack on Titan - The Battle Outside Trost
- At The Dawn Of War (Aldryn, 2005)
- Aufie's Quest!
- Augenstress (enokad, *HxG*, 2006)
- Aughernos Marn (Morlorx, 2006-2007)
- August 1986
- Auld Lang Syne: Cat and Mouse
- aunt EMILY
- Auron - A Pirate's Son (2007-...)
- Aurora Wing (2005)
- Aurorus Forever
- Automatic Messiah
- Autopsy: The Seventh Corpse
- A Vacation In Nebula
- Avalon R..E..M..A..K..E
- Avalon (Shyuan, 2003)
- Avantasia: The Game
- A Very Long Rope to the Top of the Sky
- Aveyond
- Aveyond II
- Avondale (Schmuddelpunk, 2006)
- Avylor - Das Tor zur verborgenen Realität (BrettVormKopf, 2004)
- Awaits;10H
- A Watery Grave (2011)
- Awoken (2010-...)
- Axial
- Ayask
- Ayumi: Enhanced Edition
- Azarine Heart
- Azurael's Circle
- Azuras Legende (Riku, 2003-2004)
- Babashook: The Game
- Babelturm (2016)
- Backstage
- Backstage II
- Baclyae Revolution
- BadApple.lmu
- Badge of Pride: Malevolent Memorial
- Badon - Echnat et Moratum (2007-...)
- Bahamuts Fluch
- Baldur's Gate: Eternal Fight (Alex1710, 2004)
- Ballerparty (2003)
- Ballistic Assault
- Balmung Chronicle - Echoes of Idavoll (2006)
- Balmung Cycle - The Messenger and the Heretic (2008)
- Barn Fun
- Barriars no Barrier de Pong!! (2021) バリアーズのバリアでポン!!
- Basuphana: Tide Of The Eclipse
- Basuphana 2: The Land Of Zaiden
- Basura
- Batone!! ~Battle Neko Mimi-san~ (2006) ばとね!!〜ばとるねこみみさん〜
- Battle City RM2k Gold
- Battlefantasy
- BattleField: Manka-Dream
- Battlefleet Excalibur (2020)
- BATTLEGAMER: Bunker Survival
- Battle of Gods (Odd Redesign, 2003-2004)
- Battle of Instinct
- Battle of Phingen (2008)
- Battle of Ryuen
- Battle Royale
- Battlesoul (2012)
- Battle Tower XP-sei ga Defo-Sen surudake (2021) Battle Tower XP勢がデフォ戦するだけ
- Battle Versus II (2006-...)
- Bā yuè sānshíyī hào 八月三十一号
- BBBB-Milennin
- Beast Slayer
- Beat 'em Alex (2011)
- Beautiful
- Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer
- Beautiful Mallard-y
- Beautiful Umlaut Game
- Bedtime Adventure
- Beefy Jim's Epic Quest Against the Evil Ugwench
- Beetle Ninja
- Beetle Ninja 2
- Before Crisis: Cissnei -Final Mix-
- Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII: Remake
- Before I Leave (2020)
- Befuddle Quest
- Befuddle Quest 2: Charmed & Dangerous!
- Befuddle Quest 3: Love is a Four-Legged Word
- Befuddle Quest 4 Dead
- Befuddle Quest 5: Zack to the Future
- Befuddle Quest 6: The Next Generation
- Behind Frontiers 2 - The Time That Remains (2008)
- Beides (2007)
- Being Yellow Magic
- Bellum Deorum (Melkor, 2003-...)
- Beloved Rapture (Aaron T. Crawford, Super17, und weitere, 2007-...)
- Ben's First Adventure
- Benny + hotgamerdad and the Bajillion DVDs
- Bunny Rush
- Benny's Chemie-Trainer für Anfänger (2004)
- Bernstein バーンシュタイン
- Berserk
- Besiege das Runtimepackage
- BEST Friends (2009-2010)
- BEST Partner (2007, 2009)
- Bestiol no Boukensha (2011)
- Best of All
- Betrayal Legends (Squale, 2005-...)
- Between Time and Space
- Betwixt
- Beverage of the Zombies (2003)
- Beware of the Snowman
- Beyblade Underground (2004)
- Beyond Black Horizon (2001)
- Beyond Eden: Chronicles of Nod
- Beyond Jeremy
- Beyond Nightmare of the Elven Realm
- Beyond Starlight (2008)
- Beyond the Gate
- Beyond the Light
- Big Dungeon Hunters (2012-...)
- Bikkuri-jima Senki!
- Bilovskis Adventure (Clades, 2007)
- Bio Genesis
- Biography of Krazah - Early years
- Bio-Me
- bio-Synthetica
- Bipo: Mystery of the Red Panda
- Birth by Fire
- Birthday Kid
- Birthday Murder Party: Double Feature
- Bis(s) zum Vollmond (2009-...)
- Bittersweet Dream
- Black Astral
- Black Bolt
- Black Crystals
- Black Galax: Blood Legacy
- Black Galax: Revert
- Black Galax: Rewrite Delta
- Black Hat (2017)
- Blackmoon Prophecy II
- Blackmoon Prophecy III
- Black Shadows
- Black Sky
- Black Suede: The Zelfar Chronicles
- Blacksword Chronicles
- Black Warrior (DuranXL, 2004)
- Blade Fiction: Exterminating Angels
- Blair Witch Project 3 - The last Return of Elly
- Blank Dream
- Blank Slate
- Blazescape
- Bleak December
- Blessed Be the Lady: Chapter Zero
- Blessed Relic Chronis
- Blitzball
- Blobinator 2011
- Blockixx (2008)
- Bloodhunter (2008-...)
- Bloodlines (2010-...)
- Blood Moon
- Blood of Vampires (Valec, 2006)
- Blood of Wolf (Squall, 2003-2005)
- Bloodsoul
- Bloodsphere
- Bloodstained Hands
- Blood Ties
- Bloody...
- Bloody Bastard's Killer Instinct (2003)
- Bloody Regime (2010-...)
- Blooms
- Bloopa World
- Blubird and the Golden heart
- Blue Barret
- Blue & Iris VS Ghosts
- Blue Legends (Ziek, 2003-...)
- Blue Memories
- Blues for Mittavinda
- Blue Skies
- Blue Skies 2
- Blue Skies 3
- Blutlinien (2007)
- Blutmond (Jackie-James, 2003-...)
- Blutopfer
- Blutrache (Mirumoto Toshi, 2004)
- Blut und Sand (2012)
- Bobby Carrot RPG
- Bobos World (2009)
- Bokehme
- Bonds of Destiny (2011-...)
- Bonus Games (2011)
- BOON ga katsuyaku suru Game (2011) ブーンが活躍するゲーム
- Born Under the Rain
- Boros & Xender - Land der Schatten (2017)
- BossKampf
- Boss Project III
- Boss Project IV
- Boss Project V: Dead Space
- Bothering Snape
- BotHunt
- Bound By Faith
- Bounty Angel
- Bounty Angel 2
- BoX -containment-
- BoxxyQuest: The Gathering Storm
- .B.P.
- BRAINGIRL ブレインガール
- Brandmal (2005)
- Brave Spell Girls (2021-...)
- Brave Tear
- Break (2009)
- Breathless
- Breath of Dead (2003)
- Breath of Fire 0
- Breath of Fire 3 - Adventure (2007)
- Breath of Fire 3 - The Untold Story (2001)
- Breath of Fire II: Hearts Aflame
- Breath of Fire: Legacy
- Brennen muss Bernhelms Los (2009)
- Brians Adventure (!Zero!, 2006)
- Brians Herrschaft (2008-????)
- Bright Future
- Brigida
- Broke Brodie
- Broken Bottles
- Broken Gauntlet
- Broken Heroes - Die Legende von Heras
- Broken Mirror
- Broken Reality (Totoro, 2004-...)
- Broken Worlds
- Brokin's Soldier (2008)
- Bronze Soul
- Bropaca and the Beachtime Blues
- Bro Quest
- Brothers Under Fire: Spring's Deliverance
- Bruderherz (Archeo, 2007)
- Brutal's Challenge DeluXe
- Brutal - The Final Challenges Deluxe ~ Precious Memory
- Brutal: The Halloween Challenges
- Brutal - The New Challenges
- Budubi's Scary School
- Budubi's Scary School Remake
- Bündnis der Elemente (2004)
- Bunraku
- Burden
- Burial
- Buried Book (2007)
- Burn Money Get Witches, Sidestory Ed.
- Burn Witches Get Money
- B:(ursed
- Buttazare! ぶったぎれ!
- Butterfly Chronicles: Palemoon
- Butterfly's Keep
- Cabrones Village (antifarea, 2008)
- Caffeine Crisis
- Cages of Gold
- Calcu-Late
- Caligyne
- Calisto - Zeitalter der Erben (2007)
- Calling of my Nightingales
- Call of Luki
- Call of the Archon
- Call of the Archon II: Morganna's Curse
- Call of the Archon - Malice of Maldrinia
- Call of the Archon R
- Call of the Dreamer
- Call of the Overseer
- Calmness - The Silent Town (Biohazard, 2004)
- CAM°
- ~ candy fangs ~
- CandyRain
- Canvas
- Caos Legion (Error 404, 2004)
- Capofamiglia
- Captain America 2 - Jäger der verlorenen Maske
- Captain Buck on Planet Arkenshapes
- Captain Rauhbein - Die Suche nach dem Schatz (2012-...)
- Cara - And Her Magical Exams
- Cardiophobia
- Carcerus (2011)
- Card Attack KAIJU
- Carist (2003)
- Carlsev Saga: Episode I
- Carlsev Saga: Episode II
- Carlsev Zero
- Carl Stahl - Eiszeit
- Carmageddon
- Carol Action キャロルアクション
- Caroline & Alexander
- Carolyne
- Carolyne: Remake
- Caroon no Spell (2012) きゃろーんのすぺる
- Carpentry Story
- Cascadial (Coincidence, XRPG, 2011-...)
- Casia
- Cast ashore
- Cast Aside
- Castle Chase
- Castle Chase 2
- Castle: Deep Quest (2006)
- Castle Greyrot
- Castlemaniacs: Beckoning of the Pancakes - Waffle Edition
- Castle Oblivion
- Castle Oblivion 2
- Castle Oblivion 3
- Castle Oblivion: Foundation
- Castle Oblivion: Remake
- Castle of the evil witch
- Castle of the Lost (2010)
- Castle Quest
- Castle Red
- Castle Red 2: Subservience
- Castlevania (2007)
- Castlevania - Aren's Castle (Alex1710, 2004)
- Castlevania - Dracula's Dance
- Castlevania Dracula X: Death's Dance (2008)
- Castlevania - Elegy of the Curse
- Castlevania - Nocturne Humine (Lord Biowulve, 2004)
- Castlevania: Rising Of Kain
- Castlevania - The Bloodlust Curse of Dracula (2021)
- Castlevania - The lost Belmont
- Castlevania: Trail of Blood
- Castlevania - Vampire Soul (Biohazard, 2004)
- Castleventure
- Castle Warfare
- Cataphract OI
- Catching Ghosts
- Caterpillar
- Catharsis
- Catherine and the Spirit World
- Catherna's Destiny
- Cat in the Box
- CatJam: Neko wa kawaii 猫はかわいい
- Cat Maid Castle
- Cats in Hell
- Catsoft RPG (2005)
- Caught (Alex1710, 2006)
- Caution
- CD-Man
- Cease: The Death RPG Starring Tofumin
- Celdran's Curse
- Celestial Carol
- Celestial Descent
- Celestial Legacy
- Celestial Silfade Story シルフェイド幻想譚
- Cell Chamber
- Cell: The Minimum Viable
- Chahara
- Chain of Retribution
- Chains of Memory
- Change
- Channel Changer
- Channel: Home
- Chaos Project (2008-2010)
- Chaos Shadows (2007-...)
- Chaos Story - The Lunatic Obscura (Döna, 2004-2006)
- Chaos Sword
- Chaos Wrath: Dawn of Evil
- Chapelwaite
- Character
- Chase for Divinity
- Cherry PrInEcess
- Chesudia
- Chibi Dungeon
- Chibi Reboot
- Chibi Reboot 2
- ChickenQuest 2K3: Rise of the Chimkin
- Chicken Run
- Chicken Tales
- Chiderobo
- Chii's Challenge
- Chimaira - The Eden-Project (Mnemonik, Ray-X, 2009-...)
- Chips Challenge: Ace Edition
- Chip's RM2k3 Challenge
- Chloe no Requiem クロエのレクイエム
- Chocobo Dungeon (2006)
- Chocobo Runnings (2003)
- Choice
- Chouichirou Kenfuuden (2011)
- Chouma Kaimura (2011) 超魔 界村
- Chrimson Butterfly (2011-...)
- Christmas Bell (Knumonmaster, 2004)
- Christmas Games
- Christmastown - Die Rettung Weihnachtens (2009)
- Chromatic Aberration
- Chronicle of Wolfbane (2013)
- Chronicles: Fate of a Princess
- Chronicles Meteorfall
- Chronicles Of Elian: Legends of Regalia
- Chronicles of Godless (NeptunVII, 2008-…)
- Chronicles of the Crystal Wars
- Chronicles of the World Traveler Gaiden
- Chronicles of Tsufanubra
- Chronicles of Zile
- Chrono Chronicles
- Chrono Shift
- Chrono Source
- Chrono Trigger 2 (2002, 2010)
- Chrono Trigger: Prelude to a Dream
- Chrono Trigger Remake
- Chrono Uncanny
- Chthonic Crypt
- Chucha's Suche nach den verlorenen Farben
- Chymeria: Wonder Quest
- Circle of Fate
- Circuit Blade
- Circuitdream.exe
- cirrus
- City Defender
- City Game (2002)
- City Hunter (2002)
- Clarent Saga: Chronicles
- Cleanseage
- Clock of Atonement
- Clockwork - The Valkura Chronicles
- Clones Destiny
- Cloning Project (2003)
- Close Your Eyes: Intermission
- Close Your Eyes: Redux
- Close Your Eyes - The Twisted Puzzle
- Closure
- Clouded Heart
- Clouding-999
- Clover Chronicles
- Codex Temondera: Lost Vision
- Cody's Journey (2008)
- Cognitive Dissonance
- 【COLD】-冷
- Cold at Heart
- Cold Front
- Cold Rain (2007)
- Colette's Fall Festival
- Collapse (rein)
- Collapse of Time (2006)
- Colorful (2013)
- Colors (2010)
- Colors 2 - Grayscale
- Colors of Damnation (2012)
- Colors of Damnation ACE
- COLORS - Ushinawareta Kioku (2014) 失われた記憶
- Colt's Thor Hammer
- Cometdanger - Die Erde war nie so groß wie Lunar (2001)
- COMPLEX HIYRO コンプレックスヒーロ
- Complex.net
- Con6quences
- Conception
- Concerto
- Concrease
- Confused (2009-...)
- Connected Dream
- Connection: Fairy Birthbloom
- Connection is broken
- Conspiracy (2003)
- Continue/Stop/Rise
- Contos de Aldore - Toca do Dragão
- Contrasta AE
- Conviction - Directors Cut
- Cootie Patootie
- Cope Island
- Cope Island: Adrift
- Copper Odyssey
- copy
- Corallo
- Cor Andos - Der dunkle Turm (Captain Smoker, 2006)
- Core Crossing
- Corona - Jagd nach dem Virus
- Corporal Buggy Bear
- Corridor Raiders - A Space Pirate Adventure
- Cosmic Dream
- Cosmos II
- Cosplay Crisis
- Country Conquest (2011)
- Country of Snow 雪の国
- Cover Your Eyes
- Crabmania
- Crads Crawler
- Craft Maker
- Cranberry Dream
- Craveler (Yugi-Muto, 2004)
- Crazy Dreams
- Crazy Vet
- Creation - A New Beginning
- Creative Story (2006) クリエイティブストーリー
- Creature of Death
- Crescent - Rise of the demons
- Crest of Eternity (Mnemonik, 2004-...)
- Crimson Snow
- Crónicas de la Gran Guerra de Fara - El valle de los miriocedontes
- Crónicas de la Gran Guerra de Fara Episodio 2 - Fauencio el Elegido
- Cronies: The Game
- Croom - Destiny Calls (2002)
- Crossbone
- Crossed Wings
- 'cross Rivers
- Crucrucrú
- Cruna Aktrid
- Crusade (SnowyG, 2004)
- Cry of the Past
- Crying Souls (Crime13, 2007)
- Crypt Challenge DX
- Crypt of the Alexander
- Crypt of the Fungal Lord
- Cryptomeria Gravestone
- Cry RPG
- Crysalis
- Crystal Catch
- Crystaldivia
- Crystal Heroes
- Crystalis: Sonata of the Far-Away Sky
- Crystal Knights
- Crystallia Zero (2001)
- Crystallization (2011)
- Crystallization - Madness (2013)
- Crystal Moon (2009)
- Crystal of Abyssal Dreams
- Crystal of Destiny
- Crystal Quest (2005)
- Crystal Returners III: Darkness Rises
- Crystal S.
- Crystal Saga (Drakal, 2004-...)
- Crystals Again
- Crystal Sanctuary
- Crystalsis Story I
- Crystals: Legend of the Sword
- Crystals of Zark
- CUBE! (2005)
- Cubold
- CUENTO:1 de un Futuro Perdido
- Curiosity thrilled the Puzzlecat
- Cursed Knight Nemesis
- Cursed Town
- Cursed Wish
- Cute Cat Girl (2003)
- CUTE&FANTASY3 - A new Adventure
- Cuties & Clues
- Cut your wrist (2008)
- C-Virus Shop Rush
- Cyber Ball
- Cyberworld (Icognito, 2005)
- Cycle of Seikatsu (2003)
- Cyclothymic
- Cyrcle of Time (Alex1710, 2004)
- Dagon Quest
- Daimeikyuu Jigoku (2020) 大迷宮地獄
- Dakota the RPG
- Dakunesu ex だくねすex
- Daliah's Cave Quest
- Damian's Adventures
- Dämmerung (2016)
- Dämon (Marcel 69, 2007)
- Dämonenblut (2004)
- Dämonenkrieg
- Damned School (Ray-X, 2004)
- Dampftraum
- Dampftraum ~Eine kleine Weihnachtsgeschichte~
- Dampftraum Krabbenkrieg
- Dandelion
- Danganronpa Forge:Re
- Danny's Adventure 3 - Unto the Darkness
- Dark Adventures (2001)
- Dark Ages (Syno, 2005-...)
- Dark Destruction (2004)
- Dark Dreams (2005)
- Dark Earth (Linksawakening, 2003)
- Dark Empire of Elements (Yoshirpg, 2004)
- Darkenergy
- Darkenergy 2: Fall of the Moon
- Dark Fates
- Darkhunters: Legacy
- Dark Knight Rogue -HAEJIMA- (2018)
- Dark Knights (2008)
- Dark Legend
- Dark Legends (2004)
- Dark & Light Colosseum
- Dark Lord ダークロード
- Dark Lord Rising
- Dark Malice (2020)
- Dark Matter (2005)
- Dark Memories (2010-...)
- Darkness (2013)
- Dark Planet
- Dark Project - Dark Dreams (Slinx, 2005)
- Dark Prophecy - Bloodmoon (2005)
- Dark Quest
- Dark Radiancy
- Dark Rain
- Dark Reading
- Dark Revenge (2004)
- Dark Shadows (Riku, 2004)
- Dark Stories (Laza 2003-2004)
- Dark Sun - La maldición del eclipse
- Dark X
- Darwin - Director's Cut (2007)
- Day Dreaming Derpy
- Das Anwesen (2013)
- Das Auge des Wolfes (S.E.B.I., 2007)
- Das Band der Gefühle (2008)
- Das Buch der Toten - Oder auch: Held rettet Welt
- Das Buch der Verdammnis
- Das Dunkle Auge - Vintakia's Tränen (2008)
- Das Ende der Helden
- Das Erbe der Anu
- Das Erwachen
- Das Geheimnis des blauen Kristalls (Ravenous1981, 2007-2008)
- Das geheimnisvolle Haus (2004)
- Das Geheimnis von Tanzenberg (2004)
- Das Goatsche Anwesen
- Das Grauen von Loch Ness (2001)
- Das große Abenteuer (2013)
- Das große Gruseln (2005)
- Das größte Abenteuer der Welt
- Das Halloweenexperiment (2008)
- Das Haus
- Das Herz (2011)
- Das ist Gerald
- Das Jahr 0
- Das Jahr 1
- Das Kleeblatt
- Das Kreuzen der Todesklingen (Cw-Entertainment, 2005)
- Das Land der Finsternis
- Das letzte Gefecht (2004)
- Das Pferd mit dem goldenen Horn (2010-...)
- Das Phantom am Ende der Zeit (2015-...)
- Das Portal
- Das Schattenschwert (2003)
- Das Siegel der Götter (LordDK, 2006)
- Das Sirenental (Evilshenlong, 2009)
- Das Schwert der Seelen
- Das Schwert des Schicksals (coolkids2000, 2004)
- Das Traumschiff - Adventures of Norbert (2002)
- Das undenkbare Reich (2008)
- Das Vergesssene Dorf
- Das Vergesssene Dorf 2
- Das Vermächtnis der Ehre (2005)
- Das Vermächtnis der Götter (2009)
- Das Vermächtnis der Magie
- Das verwunschene Königreich - Der gestiefelte Kater
- Das Vieh, das doch nur mal mit Leuten reden möchte
- Das Zentrum des Hasses (sTyLeZ, 2004)
- Daughter
- David's Abenteuer (2001)
- Dawn (Chaplin, 2004)
- Dawnlight (Xardas, 2004)
- Dawn of Destiny (2007)
- Dawn of the Black Wizard (2009)
- Dawn of the New Hour
- dayDream
- Day of the Cucumber
- Daze
- D-Day - Der längste Tag (Eisenhower, 2004)
- Dead Again
- Dead Awakening
- Dead Day (2003-????)
- Deadly Shutter
- Deadly Sinners (2005)
- Deadly Woods
- Dead Moon Night
- Dead Planet (Tracheros, 2006-...)
- Dearest
- Dear Mariko
- Dear RED
- Deathbed Lullabye
- Deathbrush: Violence and Bitches
- Death Girl Mows the Lawn
- Deathmatch (2005)
- Death World (Tapion, 2003)
- Death World 2 (Tapion, 2003)
- Death World 3 (Tapion)
- Death World 4 (Tapion)
- Death XIII -The Devil Buster-
- Debris
- Decay
- Deception
- Deceptive Dreams (2010)
- Decline
- Deep Dreams
- Deep Down Below (2004)
- Deep Fried Nikki
- Deep Red - Electric Blood (2002)
- Deep Souls
- Default Fantasy: Aldo's Quest
- Default Fantasy: The Prison
- De I Cide ディーサイド
- Deizou EXE デイ蔵エグゼ
- Deja vu
- Deja~Vu Chronicles
- Dekom Drakis (Kadaj1000x, 2007)
- De Legend of Paredes - De man of de cao masc
- deLigue
- Deluge
- Demencia
- Demokratis (2009)
- Demokrit (2003)
- Demon~Blood (2008)
- Demon Castle
- Demon Conquest (Schlächter, 2004)
- Demon Destiny 1 ~ The Warriors Of Legend
- Demon Dreams
- Demon Hunter
- Demonic Tutor
- Demonio - One Final Wish
- Demon Legacy
- Demons
- Demons Dream
- Demons Dream: New World
- Demon's Gate
- Demon Slayer
- Demon Slayer Z
- demon son
- DemonStory (2001)
- Demon Tale
- Demur
- Densha Soul
- Denshi Biseinen: Electron Handsome Boy 電子美青年
- Den'yuu no Bouken II (1997)
- Depression
- Deprimerie
- Der Aufstand von Gumpensund
- Der Ausbruch (2011)
- Der Bäumige Baumfried (2011)
- Der Berg der Helden (2016)
- Der Brunnen
- Der Brunnen 2
- Der Chronist (2009-...)
- Der Dämonenfluch - Geschichten über Kentaro
- Der Dämonenspiegel
- Der Dämon - Remastered (2016)
- Der Drachenkontinent (2009)
- Der Echsenkrieg
- Der einzig wahre Auserwählte
- Derelict
- Der ewige Krieg
- Der Feuerkrieg (2003)
- Der Fluch (2012)
- Der Fluch des Einhorns
- Der Fluch von Mühlenbeck
- Der Geisterwolf von Chapel Hill (Coincidence, 2014...)
- Der Geomant
- Der goldene Reiter (2003)
- Der Handelsmeister (Shadowstriker, 2003-2004)
- Der hermeneutische Zirkel (2006-...)
- Der Hexenbrief (2017)
- Der Himmel über Taldava (2006)
- Der Kaiser von Asmone (enokad, SonGeku, 2for1, 2004-2006)
- Der Kampf: Krieg der Naga (Master Rico, 2004)
- Der Kampf um die Leidenschaft (2011-...)
- Der kleine Alltag des John
- Der kleine Alltag des John 2
- Der kleine Dämon (2012)
- Der letzte Raum
- Der Lottogenerator (2006)
- Der Maestro (2008)
- Der mysteriöse Mordfall (2012-...)
- Der Mythos von Tersa
- Der Nerd, das Pferd und der Herd (2009)
- Der neue Avatar
- Der Orden des Schicksals (Kaiserliche Palastwache, 2010)
- Der Pakt
- Der Pfad des Glaubens
- Der Pianist
- Der Prinz von Havanna (2003)
- Der Saphir des Wissens (Impulse, 2005)
- Der Schatten der letzten Hand des Terminator-Gottes der Elfen (2010)
- Der Schatz Peru (2007)
- Der Schwarze Reiter (2007)
- Der Schwertkämpfer
- Der Sinn des Lebens (2004)
- Der Sonnenorden 2
- Der Stein der Weisen (2010)
- Der Sturz der Götter (2004)
- Der Sumpf (2007-...)
- Der Untergang Atlantis
- Der verbotene Wald
- Der Weg des Drachen
- Der Weg des Mondes (2006)
- Der Welt-Cup (2012-...)
- Der Winter des Wolfes (2007)
- Der Wissensschaft
- Der Zahn der Zeit
- Der Zauberer von El Nath (2010)
- Des Atwentscher off Sepp
- Descendant of Truth
- Descendants of Gaea (2002)
- Descente 2 (2006)
- Desert Commando
- Desert Planet
- Desivaria (Shyuan, 2003)
- Desperate Love Feast
- Despoina
- Destiny (Tapion, 2003-...)
- Destiny Chronicles
- Destiny Quest
- Destiny Quest II: The Age of Sorrow (Biferius, 2007)
- Destiny's Blades
- Destiny's Call Complete (2001)
- Destiny: The Endless War
- Destiny War
- 「Destitute」
- Destruction World One
- Detective Goodwell - Immortal Cases (2009)
- Detective Mallow (2007-...)
- Detective Ragger
- Deus Cards
- Deutschquiz
- Deux Sensations ~Seijo to Majo no Hyakunen-sensou~
- Development of Light and Darkness (Darksoul, 2006)
- device
- Devil Blues (2002)
- Devil Counter
- DEViL::ender
- Devil Hunter: Seeker of Power
- Devil May Cry - Fight For Blood (Lord Biowulve, 2004)
- Devil of the Mirror Remake
- Devil or Angel
- Devil or Angel 2
- Devil Series Part I: Creation
- Devil's Pendant
- Devil Star
- Devil's Force (NaitLesnah, Genosse Wolflinski, 2003)
- devil Theory: Alpha
- Devious Mud
- DevLand
- Devourer
- DEX: Demonic EXtension Program
- Diablo - Hack'n Run (Waldaa, 2007)
- Diablo's Revenge
- Diadema (2010-????)
- Dialogue
- diaple caprice (2015)
- Diary of a Madman (2011)
- Días Extraños
- Dickme Dicki
- Dictionary
- Die Abenteuer der MS White (2009)
- Die Abenteuer von Alex (2012-...)
- Die Alptraumzone
- Die Brücke ins Licht
- Die Chronik der Unsterblichen (Saino, 2005)
- Die Chroniken Aladans (2006)
- Die Chroniken Ikellas
- Died Down Song
- Die Elfen
- Die Entscheidung (2Pac, 2008)
- Die Epoche des Manas
- Die Fabel der rostigen Raben (2013-...)
- Die Farbe Rot (2012)
- Die Geschichte eines kleinen Helden
- Die Geschichte von Dir und Mir (2015)
- Die Hand Gottes
- Die Händler (2010)
- Die Herrschaft der Gurken (DJ. DRIE, 2007)
- Die Insel (tschebberwooky, 2007
- Die Insel der Verlassenen (2005)
- Die Kette des Todes
- Die Kiu Helden
- Die Legende Der 5 - Das Vermächtnis
- Die Legende der Krone (2003)
- Die Legenden des Bösen (2008)
- Die Legende von Iritia (2008)
- Die Legende von Tir na Noc
- Die Legion der Zeiten (2003) Legion of Time
- Die letzte Grenze (2010)
- Die Letzte Schlacht Der Elfen - NEO (2017)
- Die letzten Drachen (Ultima, 2006-2008)
- Die letzte Schlacht ohne Elfen
- Die letzte Schlacht ohne Elfen 2
- Die Macht des Kristalls (2006)
- Die magische Blume
- Die magischen Kugeln (2008-...)
- Die Nacht der Betrüger (2007-2008)
- Die Nacht der Flammen
- Die Pegasus-Legende (2007)
- Die Pflicht eines Freundes
- Die Rache der Verdammten (Nazgul, 2004)
- Die Rache des Dr. Volodnikov (2005)
- Die Reise der Ise (2008)
- Die Reise nach Polen
- Die Ritter und das Steuergeld (2008)
- Die Saga von Walorhin
- Die Schneiden der Magie (2004)
- Die schwarze Silhouette
- Die Sieben Boten des Siegels - Der Prophet (2006)
- Die Sternenkinderwarte (2015-...)
- Die Straße (2015)
- Die Ströme des Mana (2009)
- Die Suche nach den heiligen Kristallen (2001)
- Die Suche nach der letzten Bleibe (2003)
- Die Suche nach der verlorenen Stadt (2000)
- Die Terrapolis-Saga (2009)
- Die Tiefe des Wahnsinns (2008)
- Die Toten sind zurück (2002)
- Die vergessene Epoche (2015)
- Die vergessenen Götter - Erwachen
- Die vergessenen Helden - Die Wette
- Die Vergessene Welt (Master, 2006)
- Die verlorene Epoche
- Die vier Prüfungen (2002)
- Die Vrenner Stadtmusikanten
- Die Waldquelle (Psychomaster, 2004-...)
- Die wilde Geschichte vom Erbsenesser (2004)
- Die Winde von Essentia
- Die Zapper
- Die Zeitkristalle (Golddrache1000, 2003)
- Die ZombieInsel
- Digimon: Davis Journey (Liquidice, 2008)
- Digimon - Ein neuer Anfang (2009)
- Digimon World Ace: The Lost Symbols
- Digital Monsters - Final Stories
- Digital Monsters - Kens Story
- Digital Monsters Re - Taichis Story
- Digital Monsters - Taichi's Story (Mr.Prinz, 2006-2008)
- Digital Monsters - Yamato's Story (Mr.Prinz, 2006-2009)
- Di^ine
- Dilemma
- Dilirium (Icognito, 2005)
- Dilly Dally (Batista, 2008)
- Dimensionen (2003)
- Dinner Run
- Dino Wants To Be Rich
- Direvil Darkfort
- Dirge of Doningoth
- Dirge of Lost Souls
- Disability Jam
- Disconnect
- D is for Dungeon
- Disko Brisko (Mnemonik, 2007)
- Disorder
- Disparity
- Dissidia Square-Enix - The RPG
- Distant Dawn (2010-...)
- Distant dreams
- Distress
- Divest Time
- Divide by Zerø
- Divided Reigns
- Divided Worlds
- Divine Exodus (2009-2010)
- Divinity Fatum
- Divinity Fatum :Birth:
- Diwata (2008-...)
- Do Broken Toys Go to Heaven?
- Dog Eat Dog: Scam to Survive
- Doggo Knight
- Doggy Dinner Time
- Dog Herds Sheep
- Dog Quest
- Dogs: No Time To Waste (Unlimitter, 2005)
- Doktor Frankenstein und die Suche nach Opihausen
- Doku sa re ta tamashii
- Dolchio
- Doldol-jima no Bouken: Adventure of Doldol Island (1997)
- Dollmakers Darling
- dominalance "other Ragnarok" (2005)
- DOMINO EDGE ドミノエッジ
- DOMINO EDGE Remake (2018) ドミノエッジ
- DOMP - The Next Bullit (2006)
- Donkey Kong RM2K
- Don Skilotte (2004)
- Don't go in! (2013)
- Don't go to sleep
- Don't Kill the CEO
- Donut Defense
- Dooms
- Dooms 2: Director's Cut - Seas of Blood
- Dooms 3
- Dooms 4 - Endgame
- Dooms 5 - Endless
- Doom Souls 0 LoD (2016)
- Door of Shadows
- doppelganger
- Doradora Island Saga (2019) どらどら☆あいらんど・サガ
- Doradora Island Saga: Aftermath (2021-...) どらどら☆あいらんど・サガ
- Doraemon: Nobita no Biohazard
- Dormant Sky
- Dororon Heights no Maid-san (2007) どろろんハイツのメイドさん
- DotAgumon's Adventure
- .dot world
- Double Trouble (2001)
- Doubt - The Game (2012)
- Do Us Part
- D.O.W.N
- Downerland - Die Legende des verlorenen Landes (2002)
- Downhill Battle
- Downtown Terror
- Do You Remember My Lullaby
- Do You Want More!?
- Drachenfeuer (2009)
- Drachenherz (2006)
- Drachenträume 1: Die Legende beginnt (Ilith, 2002-2003, 2006-…)
- Drácula
- Dragenquest 2007 (Cabschâm, 2006-2007)
- Dragon Ball il Mito
- Dragon Ball il Mito - Bardack The Story
- Dragon Ball il Mito - Vegeta The Story
- Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection Game
- Dragon Ball Z - Bulma's Wish
- Dragon Ball Z RP
- Dragon Ball Z RPG
- Dragon Ball Z Ultimate
- Dragon Birth
- Dragonchild
- Dragoness Edge 2820 (2007)
- Dragon Fantasy
- Dragon Fantasy
- Dragon Fantasy 2
- Dragon Fantasy BOSS TRIAL
- Dragon Fantasy: Heroes of Tsufana
- Dragon Fantasy II
- Dragon Fantasy: Origins
- Dragon Fantasy: Sentinels of the starry Skies
- Dragon Fantasy: Venaitura
- Dragon Fantasy: Venaitura II
- Dragonfire (2005)
- Dragon Heart
- Dragon Heart: Heroes of Nommo
- Dragonkiller (CosmoAnus, 2004)
- Dragon Kingdoms: Birth of a Legend
- Dragon Kingdoms II: Legend of the Great Sword
- Dragon Kingdoms III
- Dragon Kingdoms IV
- Dragon Kingdoms V
- Dragonlandstories (2003)
- Dragonlord (2009-...)
- Dragon Master (2009)
- Dragon of Destiny
- Dragon Quest +
- Dragon Quest Chronicles
- Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost
- Dragon Quest - The Anti-Evil Cave
- Dragon Saga V: One Sent Worth
- Dragons' Descendants
- Dragon's Gate
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragon Slayer Gaiden
- Dragon Slayer Origins
- Dragon Sword ドラゴンソード
- Dragon Sword 1.5 ドラゴンソード1.5
- Dragon T.A.M.E.R. (2002)
- Dragon Tooth
- Dragon Unleashed
- Dragon Warrior: Apocrypha
- Dragon Warrior: Begin a New Quest
- Dragon Warrior Classic
- Dragon Warrior Classic 2
- Dragon Warrior: Legacy of Aiden
- Drako's Adventures
- Dreadful Insights (2003)
- Dread The Rabbit
- DREAM (2002)
- DREAM (Darkwisp)
- Dream?
- DreaMarbleng ドリーマーブリング
- Dreamaria
- Dreambit ドリームビット
- dream book
- Dreamcatcher (2003)
- Dreamcatcher - The Pentagon (2004)
- DreamDayKi
- Dream Drift
- Dreamfarer
- Dream fighter
- Dreaming Bad
- Dreaming Mary
- Dream Journey
- Dream of gluttony
- Dream of Jade
- Dream of Jade 3: The Legend of Sunny
- Dream of Life
- Dream Quest
- Dream Records
- Dream RPG
- Dream RPG VX
- Dreamscaper
- Dreamscapes
- Dreams Do Come True
- Dream Sequences
- Dreams of Dead
- Dream's Truth (2003)
- Dream Syndrome
- Dream Wires
- Dreckamball Z
- Drekirökr - Dusk of the Dragon
- Drim
- Dr. Nutman
- Drockmort - Lágrimas de un Ángel
- Droste Effect
- Dry Fate
- Dry Lands
- DSDS - Mal anders
- Du bist mein Held
- Duda
- Dudolf (2008)
- Dueling Penguins
- DuGaSHoBa!
- Duke's Grand Adventure: Mass Slaughter
- Dule
- Dumb Castle
- Dungeon Adventure
- Dungeon Crawl
- Dungeon Creed 2
- Dungeon Lord
- Dungeon Monsters Battle (Valerius, 2003)
- Dungeon of the Overlord
- Dungeon Quest
- Dungeon Raiders
- Dungeons And Debtors
- Dungeon Walker (enokad, 2007)
- Dungeon Walker 2 (enokad, 2007)
- Dungeon Walker 3 (enokad, 2011)
- Dungeon Walker 3 1/2 (enokad, 2011)
- Dungeon Walker XP (enokad, 2007)
- Dunge-Quest
- Dunkel-Land - Episode 1 - Die Legende der Villa Schwarz (2011)
- Dunkel-Land - Episode 2 - Gut ist nicht genug! (2011)
- Dunkles Geheimnis
- Durance of Magic
- Durham Fantasy: Agartha
- Duplicity
- Dusk Golem's Anthology of Horror
- D-Virus: Devilnitive Edition
- Dying Cat
- Dymunia
- Dynasty Of Dragons - Die verfluchte Stadt (der_jipsy, 2007)
- DZ and Riggy vs the World(s) II
- Earth Chronicles (KenDeep, 2006-…)
- Earth Legends (2006)
- Earth Mechanica
- Earth of Time (2006)
- Easter
- Easy Mac
- Easy Mac 2
- Eat Biscuit!
- Ebenbürtig (2008)
- Eberblut - Zaggie's Adventure (2005)
- Echoes of the Mind
- Echoes of the Past (2006)
- Echoes of the Scourge
- Echo - Our Voice
- Eclipse
- Econemy Adventure (rLEX, 2005)
- Eden Gate
- Eden Glosbe
- Eden Hall
- Eden Legacy: A Knight of Eden
- Eden Legacy: A Knight of Eden: DELUXE Edition
- Eden Legacy II: Children of Eden
- Eden Legacy III: The Fall of Eden
- Eden Legacy IV: Return To Eden
- Eden Legacy: The Trilogy Collection
- efface
- Effervescent Fantasy™
- Egaea (2011)
- Egg Heart (2008) エッグハート
- Eggsweeper
- Egnaro
- egod.eth
- Eheb Saga: A Warrior's Soul
- Eheb Saga - Droughtlock
- Ei! Ei! Ei!
- Ei! Ei! Ei! 2
- Ein Garten voll Träume
- Ein tolles Spiel (2008)
- Ein tolles Spiel 2 (2008)
- Ein tolles Spiel 3 (2008)
- Eine Lange Reise
- Eine unbeschwerte Kindheit
- Eine Zugfahrt ist sehr lustig (2005)
- Einklang
- Ein Tag im Leben des James Smith
- Ein Wichtel auf Abwegen
- Eisdecke (2007)
- Eisenfaust (2003-????)
- Eisigental - Legenden der Tundra (Melkor, 2003-...)
- Eisige Umarmung
- Eiskalt
- Eiszeit (enokad, 2005)
- Elar: Tales of Heroes
- El Arte
- El Cazador de Rayos - La llamada de la tormenta
- El Clan del Terror
- El Cuervo
- El Destino de Khivan
- El día del Silencio
- El dragón rojo
- Elegy's Eve (2008)
- Elemental Fragment
- Elemental Ghosts (Linksawakening, 2002-...)
- Elemental Souls (2010)
- Elemental Strike
- El épico mundo de
- Eletrume
- Elf (2012)
- El Fenix
- Elfenlied-RPG (2005)
- Elfennacht - Die Menschheit Stirbt
- Elf's Diary
- El Futuro de Ukro
- El Gato Maldito Remake
- El Heredero del Rey
- El Huesos
- Elidriel
- Eling: First Dimension
- El Joul
- El Juego Conchesumadre de EN.I
- El Liberador Deluxe
- Ellie Starling's Very Long Walk
- Ellipsus
- El Maestro de la Oscuridad: Interludio
- Elohim Eternal - Prologue
- Elohim Eternal: The Babel Code
- El Papadero
- El Precio de la Ira
- El Reino de Telsar
- Elric (2005)
- El Secreto de la Seza
- El Secreto del Clan Dragón
- Elsione
- El Tesoro de Lodar
- Eltheran (2006-????)
- El Último Día
- Elvenpath: World of Summons
- Elvespell
- Elysia - The Lost World (2008-...)
- Elysium City
- Elysium The True Power (Black Zero, 2004)
- Emanzipation (2011)
- Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle
- Emerald (2006)
- Emil no Chiisa na Bouken エミールの小さな冒険 (2015)
- Emo Neccky
- Empty
- Empty Sharp
- EmpyrealSphere
- Encounters of a Boss Kind - A Kid's Tale
- End
- Endeavor: Grand Legacy
- ENDGAME (Riku, 2006-...)
- END GAME (The MaestroGuy)
- Endless Dreams
- Endless Fantasy (v!p3r, 2004)
- Endless Love
- Endless Mine
- Endless Saga
- Endless Sorrow
- endless universe: part I (iggy, 2004-...)
- Endlos (2003) Mugen no Jikan
- End of Colors (2001)
- End of Knights (2012)
- End of Mochibe エンドオブモチベ
- End of Winter
- Endoplasmatisches Retikulum XXL (2008)
- Endore (Lutias, 2005)
- ENDorEDEN: Shinjiru mono wa korosareru 信じる者は殺される
- Enelysion
- Enex1: Legend of the Hero
- Enex2
- Engalia: Before The Wager
- Engalia: The Wager
- Engelsfedern (Syno, 2008-...)
- Enigma - Das Geheimnis (Silence, 2005-2006)
- E Nikki えにっき
- Eniko: Ghosts Of Grace
- Enryuu no Hyakuretsuken (2012) エンリュウの百烈拳
- Entei Iro-hai: Nedrag Yarg 園庭色灰
- Enter the Cave
- Enter the Network (Zeldaner, 2005-2006)
- Enthrean Radiance
- Entrapped
- entre cliches: anda el ruedo
- EON (Nathrael, 2007)
- Eowrah (2004)
- Ephemreal
- Epic Adventure - Feel the Epicness!
- Epic Elf
- Epic Elf 2
- Epic Odyssey
- Epic Wings
- Epic Wings II
- Epic Wings 3
- Epilogue Adventures
- EpiQuest
- Eraze da Freakz
- Eredia (1) - Diary of Heroes
- Eredia 2: The Great War
- Eremidia Dungeon: Skyward Temple
- Eremit - Der Pfad zur Weisheit (2017)
- Erethea
- Eret Link エレトリンク
- Eroberung (2004-2010)
- Erschrecken
- Erzählungen vom Wolkenmeer: Ascheregen (2008-...)
- Erzengel (Laguna3000, 2007)
- Escalia
- Escape the time
- Esecrazione
- Esfalia Senki ~In a wheel of fortune~ エスファリア戦記
- Es lebe der König (2005)
- Esoterica: The Dreamlike
- Espacio
- Esper Unleashed
- Esper Wing Chronicle
- Esper Wing Chronicle 2
- Estapolis - The City of Dreams (2009)
- Estarmaror - Verschwunden im Nichts (2015)
- Eterna 2
- Eternal Adventure
- Eternal Destiny (2007-...)
- Eternal Dream
- Eternal Eden (2008)
- Eternal End (Siactro, 2009)
- Eternal Fantasy
- Eternal Fight (Shyuan, 2003)
- Eternal Generation エターナルジェネレーション
- Eternal Genesis
- Eternal Light And The Journey Against The Darkest Shadow (2009-...)
- Eternal Night: The Seedling's Rise
- Eternal Paradise
- Eternal Piece (2002)
- Eternal Quality ~a supple mentary biography~
- Eternal Realm
- Eternal Reign (dreaddy, 2005)
- Eternal Remnant: The First Chapter
- Eternal - Return of the Void
- eternal silence (Squall, 2005)
- Eternal Sorrow: The Game
- Eternal Soul
- Eternal Star
- Eternal Suffer
- Eternal Terra (2008-...)
- Eternal Trinity: Prophecy
- Eternal Twilight (2015-...)
- Eternal Winter
- Eternal Wish - White Wishes
- Eternity Dial
- Eternity's Point
- Ethereal Dreams
- Etheria
- Eulogy of an Insect
- Eulogy Of The Void Goddess
- Evatar (Yunoki, 2007)
- Even Day
- EVERNA FireHeart Legacy
- EVERNA Maven
- EVERNA Shiori Amiga
- Evershade
- Everwind
- Evil Dawns
- Evil Dawns MV
- Evil Destiny (2003)
- Evil - Devil (SnowyG, 2004)
- Evil Genva
- Evil Science (2008)
- Evil Seal
- Everything Turns Gray
- Evoker
- Evo Lotus (Fenrir, 2009)
- Evolution - The Path of Man
- Exchange
- .ExE
- Ex.Emi
- Exile's Journey
- Exile's Legend (Wolfen, 2004)
- Exit Fate
- Exodus - Escape Fort Bullwark
- Expediente G
- Experiment: Gott/Spieler
- Expiate
- Expiatora
- Explore Because Stuff!
- Extinction - Rune of Fate (2003)
- Ex - Wallfahrt ins Verderben (2008-...)
- Eye of Uzola
- Fable of Heroes I: Legendary Edition
- Fable of Heroes II: The Dark Ritual
- Fable of Heroes III: The Starcrystal
- Faces of Death
- Facets
- _fade
- Faded Blue
- Fae Bride
- Fairie Krystal
- Fairy Sword
- Fairy Tale (2011-...)
- Faith and fire
- Faith in Feathers
- Fake Trap. -Treasures- (2004)
- Falkenfalder Chroniken - Oscars Legende
- Falkennacht (2009-...)
- Fallen
- Fallen Wings
- Falling for Autumn
- Fall In Harbreze
- Falrachspiel (2008)
- False Awakening
- False Mercy
- False Rebirth
- ⟁False Server
- False Spaces
- Family
- Family_CNXH
- Family's
- FantasicReverie (2015)
- Fantasiterra
- Fantasize (2002)
- Fantasy Adventure
- Fantasy Chronicles - Children (2006-...)
- Fantasy Gold
- Fantasy of Dragon SaGa
- Fantasy of Tigres (Ray-X, 2004-...)
- Fantasy on Mother's Day
- Fantasy on Valentine's Day
- Fantasy Story
- Fantasy World
- Farewell, Eikon
- Farland Symphony (2003)
- Farm Life (2014)
- Farmville 2 - The Growing of the Giant Eggplant
- Farmyard Chronicle: Director's Cut!
- Farscape: Earthfall
- Fatal
- Fatal Fantasy "As Fate May Have It"
- Fatal Runtime
- Fata Morgana
- Fated Thread
- Fate Hunter Orleon (Da King, 2007-2008)
- Fateless Two, Faithless Thee
- Fateless Two, Faithless Thee: Interlude
- Fate of Meridiana (2004)
- Fate: The Dark Beginning
- Fat Farming Girl
- Faulos Abenteuer
- Faulos Faule Familie
- Fear and Hunger
- Fear & Hunger: Termina
- Fear - The Rebirth (DragonRune, 2002)
- Feast Your Eyes: Little Marshmallow
- FEEL - Feelings Eclipse Every Life
- Feet of Flames (2003)
- Feline Good
- Fenia
- Fenrir: First Operation
- Fenrirs Blessing (2007)
- Fenrisjagd
- Feral Dreams
- Feral Dreams 2
- Feral Solidarity
- Fette Beute (2010)
- Fever 2k (2005)
- Fey
- FF6: Age of The Returners
- FFVIII: Trip to the Fire Cavern
- F-I-E-N-D-S
- Fifefer Island
- Fifth Era: Fragments Of The Holy Stone
- Fight Academy (2007)
- fight for life
- Fighting Robots Quest
- FILAMENT (2015)
- FinalBound: Tenth Dimension
- Final Dawn (2005)
- Final Delivery
- Final Destiny (2006)
- Final Dimens (eternitysoft, 2005)
- Final Dreams (HellThunder, 2008)
- Final Dreams - Reincarnation
- Finalem Missio
- Final Event XV: The Crystals of Time
- Final Fallacy
- Final Famtasy
- Final Fantasy?
- Final Fantasy 7 Demake
- Final Fantasy - Blackmoon Prophecy
- Final Fantasy by Isgar
- Final Fantasy: Chaos
- Final Fantasy: Chronicles of Eno
- Final Fantasy Cruise
- Final Fantasy - Crystal Wings
- Final Fantasy - Die Legende der Engel
- Final Fantasy Discovery
- Final Fantasy Dissidia 014
- Final Fantasy Dreams
- Final Fantasy - Edge of Time
- Final Fantasy Empires
- Final Fantasy - Endless Nova
- Final Fantasy - Endless Nova: Singularity Edition
- Final Fantasy Essence
- Final Fantasy Essence 2k3
- Final Fantasy First Generation (RandyTheZeldaFan, 2009)
- Final Fantasy - Forgotten Memories (2009-...)
- Final Fantasy Friendship: Harmony's End
- Final Fantasy Helpzone
- Final Fantasy: Immortal
- Final Fantasy Infinity Advance
- Final Fantasy - It's your Story
- Final Fantasy IV: Alter Destiny
- Final Fantasy IX: The After Years
- Final Fantasy Legend
- Final Fantasy: Legend of Balance
- Final Fantasy Memories
- Final Fantasy: Project K
- Final Fantasy Provenance
- Final Fantasy R
- Final Fantasy Rebirth (Irvine, 2005-2006)
- Final Fantasy: Resurgam
- Final Fantasy - Shattered Lands
- Final Fantasy: Sky Warriors
- Final Fantasy - Spirits of Darkness
- Final Fantasy: Tale Of The Four Kings
- Final Fantasy - The Black Mage Revenge (2010-...)
- Final Fantasy: The Guardian (Temel, 2003-...)
- Final Fantasy: The Phoenix Prophecies
- Final Fantasy - The Sacred Sword
- Final Fantasy - The Untold Story (CredithX, 2004)
- Final Fantasy: Time and Again
- Final Fantasy Uncanny: Battle at Big Bridge
- Final Fantasy Unknown
- Final Fantasy Untold (Tiamat, 2005)
- Final Fantasy V Disadvance
- Final Fantasy VI-2
- Final Fantasy V-II: Sacred Chains
- Final Fantasy VII 2D Remake
- Final Fantasy VII - Der neue Beginn
- Final Fantasy VII: Jenova Crisis
- Final Fantasy VII Regenesis
- Final Fantasy VIII: Sleeping Lion Heart
- Final Fantasy VIII - The Sorceress War
- Final Fantasy vs. Dog
- Final Fantasy: World's Edge
- Final Fantasy XIII-2k3
- Final Fantasy Y
- Final Fntasy Helpzone
- Final Frontier (2001)
- Final Glass of Tomorrow Wind BEYOND!!!
- Final Magic 1 (Sauron, 2005)
- Final Magic II (Sauron, 2005)
- Final Nightmare
- Final Quest - The disciple's journey
- Final Story
- Final Story III ~ Project Heaven
- Final Tear
- Final World (DaRkMaN, 2006)
- Financial Fantasy II
- Finding A Heart
- Finding Eden
- Finding Paradise
- Find Me
- Finstere Träume (2008)
- Finsternis (2003)
- Fiora
- Fire! (2002)
- Firebrand
- Fire Deparment
- Fire Emblem - Erbe der Fraela
- Fire Emblem: The lost Soul
- FireHeart BASH!
- Fire Kingdom
- Fishing Minigame 2
- Fissure
- Five: a 24 Badaptation
- Flame of Fear (2011-...)
- Flannida Tales: The Power of Dairyochuan
- flatline
- Flatwoods
- Flesc 1
- Flesc 2
- Flesc 3
- Flesh
- Fleshchild
- Fleuret Blanc.
- Flip Dimensions
- Flip Saga
- Florian's Eyes
- Flötenspiel (Sain, 2008)
- Flower Bubble Game!!!
- Flowers of the Valley
- Fluch des Schattens (Sirius, 2004)
- Flucht
- Flucht 2
- Fog over Esidar - Till the End is coming (2009)
- FOLK LORE (2005)
- FONs Welt
- Forbidden Power (Alex1710, 2004)
- Foreign Mercenary in Port Town
- Forest Life
- Forest of Gayblins
- Forest of Lesbians
- Forest Star
- Forgotten Blood II - The Chaos (MaDMaX, 2003)
- Forgotten Days (2003)
- Forgotten Kingdom (2006)
- Forgotten Secret (2003)
- Forgotten Soul
- Forgotten Symphony
- Forgotten Tale (2005)
- Forgotten Water’s Silent Voice
- Forlorn Manor
- Forsaken Isle
- FOX FOX FOX (2015)
- Fox in the Fog
- Fox Pac Quest
- fracture
- Fractured Dreams
- Fragile Hearts
- Fragile Hearts 2: Shattered Dreams
- Fragile Hearts 3: Irritatingly Indecent Ignorance
- Fragile Hearts Trilogy Collection
- Fragile Knight
- Fragment
- Fragments of a Dream
- Fragments of Mind
- Fredrick To The Rescue
- Frie-d-Chicken (2007)
- Friendly
- FriendShapes
- Frog: An RPG
- Frogge
- Frog, The Collector
- Fröhliche Schatzjagd (2017-...)
- From Hell (iggy, 2004-...)
- From Next Door
- From the Light
- Frontier Runner
- FrostFate
- Frozen Ember
- Frozen Slumber
- Frozen Triggers
- fruitmachine
- Fukkatsu no Kyokami (1997)
- Full Frontal SaGa
- Fun Run (2005)
- Fuselgedöns (2005)
- Fushichou no Yume 不死鳥の夢
- Futago no Kami-sama フタゴノカミサマ (2007)
- G
- Gaia's Destiny: A new Threat
- Gaia Star
- GAIGANOS - Die Säulen der Slilisther (2007)
- Galaxy Fariy (2008)
- Galaxy-Wars (Blaster, 2003)
- Galios
- Game Master
- Game Master Plus
- Game of 'Thrones'
- Game & Watch - Ball
- Gamezone
- Ganbaru Shoubainin-tachi +α (2020) がんばる商売人たち+α
- Ganmen Style (2014)
- Garden
- Gariel - Der Fluch der Zeit (Biohazard, 2005)
- Gatekeeper
- Gate of Providence
- Gear Katana
- GeaSaga
- Gefangen (2016)
- Geheimnis der Schatten
- Geister der Vergangenheit
- Geistretter
- Gekiten Metal koma sword 激転メタルコマソード
- Gem Hunters: Xenogenous Predicament
- Generation Virus - The RPG
- Generica
- Generica: The Next Generation
- Generica - Vol. 1: Mandar
- Generica - Vol. 2: Meribia
- Generica - Vol. 3: Muthur
- Genesis (2006)
- Genesis Zero: Legend of Gaia (2011)
- GeneWars
- Genseki Wakusei 幻石惑星
- Genso Nikki
- Gerold, das Großmaul (2007)
- Gesindel (2006)
- Gesindel (2011-????)
- Gestrandet ~ Mi-Yaos Rache
- Ghost Busters 3 - Ecto Crisis (Darth Vader, 2004-...)
- Ghost House
- Ghost in a Bottle
- Ghost Lantern
- Ghost School
- GikGok Calculator (2004)
- Ginevra - Chroniken von Yielara
- Gingiva
- Girl's Graveyard: Redux
- Gjallarhorn
- Glacia
- Glances (2007)
- Glass
- Glemsomhet
- Global Warming
- Glory Rides (Hate Sphere, 2004)
- Glory's Fools
- Glubschflatterer Renntage
- Glück - Der einfache Weg
- Gnosis
- GO
- Goatchild: Advent of Vantelieth
- Goatchild: Nightmare
- Gobble Fantasy 2003
- Goblin Hunter (2001)
- Godbranch
- godhead
- GodHeart
- Godlike
- God of Overlays
- God's Death 3
- God's Death 4
- Godslayers: Kentrou to Skia
- Gods & Minions (2009-...)
- Gokuto Jihen (2014) 獄都事変
- Golden Blood One - Die Vorboten der Hölle (Knumonmaster, 2005-2007)
- Golden Fun
- GoldenGames (2003)
- Golden Moon (Shyuan, 2003)
- Good and Evil
- Goodbye Tired Stars
- Gordo's Adventure (2000)
- Gordo's Great Adventure
- Go Sleep
- Gothic - Das Minental
- Gothic - Die 3 Götter (2010)
- Gotta Clean Up The World
- Götterdämmerung (2008)
- Götterdämmerung RPG
- Götterdämmerung: Twilight of the Gods
- Götterleid (2008)
- Grab Open Kill
- Grandma's House
- Grandma's House Redd
- Grand Treasure (Snowsorrow, 2008)
- Gravelord Goethe (2019)
- Gravity Maze (2011) ぐらびてぃめいず
- Griffin Claw (2004)
- Grimbot
- Grim Memoria (2008)
- Grimm Investigation
- Grimm's Hollow
- Grimorum
- Grimps: A Christmas Puzzle
- Grimps: Squeaking of the Dead
- Grissan
- Ground 0
- Grounded
- Grove Street (2014)
- GT Mythra: The Beginning of the Sword
- Guardian Angel
- Guardian of Mana (TristStan, 2006)
- Guardians of Sarunia (Sazuka, 2004)
- Guerra (2011)
- Guild Master: Langris
- Guild of Thieves
- Guild Raider!
- Guildworker
- Guitar Play 2003
- Gulpi's Adventure (Waldaa, 2007)
- Gunfire (2008-...)
- Günthers Abenteuer
- GW Chaingame 2022-2023: The Maker's Mark Legacy
- Gyokuza Suwari 玉座座り
- .hack//inhumanity
- Hadefall: Ashen Notes
- Hai-iro Teien: Gray Garden 灰色庭園
- Hakagi Royale (2004)
- Hakomaru RPG 箱○RPG
- Hakuroutaishi-Ki (2005) 白狼隊士記
- Halcyon
- Half Castle
- Halloween Horror! Lock-In at Longview High!
- Halloweenkid08's Revenge
- Halloween Wars
- Hallow's Eve
- Hallucigenia ハルキゲニア
- Hals- und Schienenbruch (2014)
- Hammerstone
- Hamtaro: Das Geheimnis der goldenen Nuss (Alex1710, 2004)
- Hamtaro - Die Sonnenblumenkerninsel (2009)
- Hana no Chiruramu 花の散るらむ
- Handelshaus (2010)
- Hand of the Goddess
- Hänsel und Gretel (Bad_Apple, 2008-...)
- Hao no Densetsu ハオの伝説 (2008)
- Happup
- Happy Birthday (2002)
- Happy Birthday TearsOfNightfall
- Happy Birthday Matt
- Happy Birthday Sandra
- Happy Birthday, Syrn!
- Happy Birthday To Yeen
- Happy Trash Season
- Harimao o Ouhito ハリマオを追う人
- Haroldian Civilization
- Harold's XMAS
- Harpy Lady Lyd
- Harry Potter und der Sturm auf Askaban (2002, 2003, 2010)
- Hartacon
- Haru no Mezame (2010-...)
- Harvest and Hunt 14
- Harvest Blood (2006-...)
- Harvest Moon - Die Natur ruft
- Harvest Moon - Stadt der Namen
- Harvest Moon - The Tale of Broken Falls
- Har vs Old - Dark Universe / Harold Tales Anthology
- Hatsyan Chronicles
- Haunted Horror
- Haunted Horror Biohazard
- Haunted Horror - Halloween Midnight
- Haunted Horror (Remake)
- Haunted Horror Xmas Edition
- Haunted Town (TristStan, 2006)
- Haushuhn 2 (2003)
- Haushuhnjagd (2001)
- Hazmat
- Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~
- Heartland
- Heartless Mansion ハートレスマンション
- Heart of Eden (Hate Sphere, 2004)
- Heart of Grimm -Ever After-
- HEART of TERRA (2006)
- Heaven and Hell Episode 3
- Heavenly Judgement
- Heavenly Martyr
- Heaven's Gate MZ
- Heavier Than Expected (2006)
- Heavy5 (2012)
- Heavy Samurai (THund3R_Child, 2005)
- Heavy Shoot Sink
- Heian Hitori Yuugi: Miya Miyabi (2005) 平安独り遊戯 宮雅
- Heimkehr an Weihnachten (2008)
- Heir of the King
- Heisei Pistol Show
- Heiwaboke Crisis
- Heiwa Shugisha (2005) 平和主義者
- Held braucht Geld
- Heldenfall
- Hell Diary
- Hell Dream (2009)
- Hellion
- Hellmoon
- Hellnight Room 1904 (2008-2009)
- Hello Halloween
- Hell on Earth
- Hell on High Heels
- Hellsing - Order 1
- Henshin Alex (2021) へんしんアレックス
- Herba and the Song of Spring
- Her Dreams of Fire
- Heretical Gods
- Hermeticism
- Hero: Chronicles Of Rose
- Heroes of Legionwood: Age of Darkness
- Heroes of Magic Time Kasino
- Heroes of Shaola
- Heroes of the Seasons
- Heroes of Time
- Heroes of Time 2 - Aizack's Return
- Heroes Unite!
- Heroic Journey
- Heroic Santa
- Heroic Santa Gaiden
- Heroic Tale
- Heroic Tale VALUE!
- Heroic Tale VALUE!+
- Hero of Diamantia (Torpedo, 2008)
- Hero of Shadowsong
- Hero of the Living
- Hero Quest (bLfReAk, 2006-2008)
- Hero's Journey
- Hero's Realm
- Hero's Realm: Heroic Edition
- Hero's Sword
- [[HetaOni: Another Loop]
- Hexenkessel
- Hibernate (2002-2006, 2008-...)
- Hidamari Logic ×365 (2010)
- Hidden Horror (Coincidence, 2009)
- Hide And Seek
- Hide And Seek 2 ~Next Victim~
- Hideout
- Hide&Seek
- Highland Quest
- Highlord (2010-...)
- Highschool Contracts REDUX
- Higurashiki
- Hikensha
- Hikikae Fantasy
- Hikkikomori Quest
- Himi Nikki
- Himmel auf Erden (2011)
- Himmel und Hölle
- Himmlischer Alltag
- Hipermnesia
- Hired Sword
- His Fragile Mind
- Hitsuji no Umi 羊ノ海 (2015)
- hoffnungslos (2007)
- Hokuto no Ken RPG
- Hollow Project
- Holy Funeral
- Homecoming
- Homework Salesman
- Hop! 2 (2005)
- Hope
- Hope is an Empty Word
- Hopeless (Lord of Avalon, 2004-2005)
- Hope - Restoration or Destruction (2001)
- Horizon Busters: Second Millennium
- Horror Runner
- Horsti's Adventure
- Hoschi-Killer (Blaster, 2003)
- hot date (iggy, 2004-...)
- hot date II (iggy, 2004-...)
- Hotel Dusk
- Houseki
- House of Hell (Kalle, 2007)
- House on Fire
- Houseparty
- Houseparty 2 - Die Bude brennt
- Houseparty 3 - Lets dance!
- Houseparty 4 - 3 Tage wach
- Houseparty 5
- Houseparty 6 - Düstertechno
- Houseparty 7 - Happy New Year
- Houseparty 08
- Houseparty 9
- How To Get A Rise Out Of A Cat
- Hueneral
- Humans VS. Nephilim
- Hu'mon
- Hunterz - A run for Presents!!!
- Hüter und Seelen
- Hüter und Seelen - Flucht aus dem Finsterwald
- I.Am Production
- I Am Still Alive
- Iarnandia (Agent47, 2006)
- I Cannot Drown
- Icebound
- Ichiro Shounen Kitan (2008) いちろ少年忌憚
- Ichy (enokad, 2011)
- IDEA (2005)
- Idolcraft
- I Dreamt Of Vengeance
- Idtipsa
- I Expect You To Die
- If
- If Nil then...
- Ignite
- I Got Reborn as the Demon Queen but I STILL can't make any g*ddamn friends
- I got thrown into a world that looks exactly the same as mine but there's nobody around anymore, trying to figure out what to do
- I Hate You, Please Suffer
- Ike-ike Dungeon いけいけダンジョン
- ikenie
- i Kick-ASS in the Beast World
- Ikusa-Den ~4ever~ (2002)
- Ikusa-Den ~Mairu!~ (2001)
- Ikusa-Den ~ZERO~
- I'll be Brave ~Re: Datte Yuusha da mono~ ~Re:だって勇者だもの~
- I'll Defeat the Monster From the Comfort of My Bed! Power Nap Edition
- Illgory, der Kühne (Genosse Wolflinksi, 2003)
- I'll InvaliGate Your Aid
- ill natured 1
- Ill Will
- Illycia (2012-...)
- Imaginary Friends
- Imaginary Number Brian (2012) イマジナリー・ナンバー・ブライアン
- Imagination (2015)
- Im Herzen der Finsternis (2011)
- I Miss the Sunrise
- Immersit
- Im Namen des Königs (2008)
- Immortal
- Immortal Sins
- Imperial Soldiers (2006)
- Immortal Spellcraft (2005)
- Imprisioned
- Im Reich der Drachen
- Im Reich der Urwesen (2004)
- I'm Scared of Girls
- Im Schatten der Rache (2009-...)
- Im Schatten der Wolfsklaue (SnowyG, 2004)
- Im Schatten des Dr. Fibi
- Im Zeichen des Drachen (2004)
- Incarnation
- In den Wolken
- Indescribable Horrors
- Indet
- Indiana Jones (2006)
- Indianer Bones (1) und der fast heilige Becher
- Indianer Bones (2) auf der Jagd nach dem Hotdog-Verkäufer
- Inertia Chronicle
- Infection (2013)
- Infernal Sword
- InfiNite (Coincidence, XRPG, 2008)
- INFINITE DREAM: Behemoth Island
- Infinite Frontier: A Final Fantasy Tale
- Infinite Loop
- Infinity (2007)
- Infinity 2
- Infinity 3
- Infinity IV
- Iniquity and Vindication
- Initial Legend
- I-N-K
- InnerFace
- Inner Sanctum
- Inner Universe
- Innkeeper Sarah
- Inochiuta (2005) 命唄 ~イノチウタ~
- Insane (2008)
- Insane Experimental Fangame - Excel Saga
- Insanity
- InSaNitY
- INSANITY (2011-2012)
- In Search of Clues
- In Search of Dragons
- In Search of Freedom
- In Search of Immortality
- Insert Cliche Halloween Title Here
- Inside
- Insolita
- InsomniA
- Inspiration
- Inspire
- Intellia
- In the Castle
- In the Shadow of Ganymede
- Into Samomor
- Into The Net
- Inuyasha ~TAMASHI~
- Invasion 2
- Invasion of Dead (2007)
- INVAS ~ Taima Roku (2007)
- Invoker (2001)
- Ippatsu Game-Shuu 一発ゲーム集
- Iris
- Iris Island
- Iron Gaia
- Iron Gaia: Virus
- Isaak & Amadeus
- Isekai Cowboy
- Ishamar - Die Rückkehr des roten Mondes
- Ishitsu suru (2007)
- Island Sky
- Isle of Dread
- Isles of Hope (2011)
- Isolation
- Is this it?
- It Came From Outer Space - Attack of the Nazi Vampire Aliens (2008)
- It Came From the Drain
- Iter Itineris
- It Lurks!
- It Moves
- It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - The jRPG
- I Wanna Go Home
- I Want to Bring Her Back to Life but I Don't Know Where to Start
- I Watched My City Die
- I Woke Up In A Generic RPG Maker Game Guess I'll Grind?
- Ixatun (2007)
- Izrand Allure
Name | Status | Autor | Genre | Aktive Zeit | Sprache | RPG Maker |
Jael | Daos-Mandrak | Strategie | 2010-... | RPG Maker 2003 | ||
Jeanne Action | Xibalba / シバルバー | Action Jump'n'Run |
2009 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
Jenseits des Tores | Kelven | Adventure | 2003 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
Jesus Christ RPG | Wholetone Games | Rollenspiel | 2013 | RPG Maker VX Ace | ||
Jetstream | Shadowsoul | Action Shooter |
2008 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
Jewelry Box | TOM'S SOFTWARE FACTORY | Rollenspiel | 2001 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
Joe's Sad Journey | Mars Ringlord |
2009 | RPG Maker 2003 | |||
Joe's Sad Journey 2 | Mars Ringlord |
RPG Maker 2003 | ||||
Joe's Sad Journey 3 | Mars Ringlord |
RPG Maker 2003 | ||||
JumpingCubes2k | Lachsen | Geschicklichkeit | 2006 | RPG Maker 2000 | ||
Ju-Shin ~ Tierseele | Ascheherz | Action | 2008-???? | RPG Maker 2003 |
- Jack's Adventure
- Jack's Eve
- Jack Street Poker
- Jacks Turm
- Jacob's Last Dream
- Jakis Tagebuch - Immer wieder Freitag
- Jamie
- Jasei no In: The Serpent's Lust
- JASIN Wizardry Parodinative
- Jayce and Stacy Ruin Everything: The Resident House of Evil on Haunted Silent Hill
- Jay vs Aliens
- Jello and the Valley of Duh
- Jenseits des Tores 2 - Auf der Suche nach Kelven (2016)
- Jenseits von Level 10
- Jeremiah's Bedroom
- Jesse the Fisher
- Jiggles (2014)
- Jigoku Nagashi 地獄流し
- Jijibabaan (2007) じじばばーん
- Jikal - Das Tor nach Lossith (2006)
- Jikan Hitokei
- Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass
- Jingle Gates
- Jisaku Sentou to 自作戦闘と
- JKBrian
- John Mercfield : Villagers Blood (Mercfield, 2007)
- Joseph's Adventures
- Jotun Colosseum
- Jotuns Apokalypse (2016)
- Journal Nikki
- Journeyman
- JourNEY REcord
- Journey's End: Alex vs Emperor Death and the Tower of Doom.
- Journey to the East
- Journey Unknown
- JubJub Jelly
- Judith
- Jump'n God
- Jumpy (2006)
- June Exhibit
- Jungle Nation
- Junk Island
- Jurassic Park
- Justice Mission! Creatures (2016)
- Just in Time
- Kabetsuki STG 壁付き
- Kaeri Yume 帰り夢
- Kagami no Akuma 鏡ノ悪魔
- Kagami no Akuma (Remake) 鏡ノ悪魔
- Kage, Souzou, In 影・想像・陰
- Kago no Torii
- Kaiketsu! Nekoashi-Otome-chan かいけつ!猫足乙女ちゃん
- Kaiser (Kadaj1000x, 2008)
- Kai Zeiner - Das Grauen hat (k)einen Namen
- Kaizoku 海賊 (2000)
- Kale's Adventure
- Kama Camelion (2011)
- Kamigami: Clash of The Gods
- Kami-Gee (2011) 神ゲー
- Kamikakushi
- Kami no Yama 神の山 (2007)
- Kampf der Apokalypse (2004)
- Kampf um Erthia (2005)
- Kanalmanac
- Kanji Island
- Kanji Island 2
- Karma Flow - Tears of a Ghost
- Karma Flow - The Prototype
- Kasatmata (The Seen)
- Kashino (SDSWladi, 2005-2006)
- Kataribesou ~Ensouki~ かたりべ荘~淵藪記~
- Kaup - Die Legende eines Kriegers (2007)
- Kawamura Mansion
- Kazak
- Keeper of the Fog
- Kemono Labyrinth けものラビリンス
- Kentonia
- Kerass - The Secret Land (Outsider, 2006)
- Kerker & Felsen
- K.Evil 1
- K.Evil Zero
- Kevonica
- Khnocka Dorra - Knocka Dora 2
- Kiddos Puzzcade
- Kidnapped
- Kidnapped Princess in Abandoned Fort
- Kill Bill (2007)
- Kill'em
- Kimi wa Yuusha janai! 2 ~Nils no Oshigoto~
- Kinder
- KindergarTen 1 - No Mercy
- KindergarTen 2 - Daddy
- KindergarTen 3 - The Basement
- KindergarTen 4 - Darkness
- KindergarTen 5 - The Party
- Kind Heart
- Kinetic Cipher (2000)
- Kingdarm キングダーム
- Kingdom Hearts: Another World
- Kingdom Hearts -An unknown World- (2006)
- Kingdom of Estiqua
- Kingdom of Exalis DX
- Kingdom of Neandria
- King of Grayscale
- King of Grayscale 2
- King of Thiefs (2005)
- Kinoko Nun きのこぬん
- KiraStar: The Polybius Problem
- Kirby's Friendly Island
- Kirigan Settlement (2004)
- Kirisame ga Furu Mori (2013) 霧雨が降る森
- Kissed By A Star
- KiyoKi
- Klaustastrophe
- Klonoa FanRPG
- Knightblade
- Knights of Gaia
- Knights of the New North
- Knights Tale
- Knight Templar
- Knobelini!
- KO Cupid
- Kodoku na Hoshi no Kagayaki ~Re: Stars And Lights's Append Disc~ (2021) 孤独な星の輝き
- Kohaku-iro no Hitomi (2006) 琥珀色の瞳
- Kohaku no Yume (2015) 虚白ノ夢
- Kolmesarta
- Kolteka
- Koma Klaus (2008)
- Koma Klaus And The Wall Of Berlin (2008)
- Koma Klaus - Spirale des Todes (2008)
- Konae's Investigations
- Konata Simulator
- Konstandin
- Kontakt
- Kostaki
- Kotousenki Solave (2005) 孤島戦記ソレイヴ
- Kou 絞
- Koubou o wateru. (2020) 光芒を渡る。
- Kouvoy
- Kreuzzug (2003-????)
- Krieg der Völker (DjRed5, 2005-...)
- Krieg der Wahrheit (2004)
- Kristallnacht
- KritzelBlock Real Fishing
- Kross
- Kruzchak's Rache
- Kryberia
- Kudaranu Mousou No くだらぬ妄想の
- Kumi to Kuma (2003) クミとクマ
- Kumi to Kuma Rebirth (2004) クミとクマリバース
- Kunai Island - Die Rache des To
- Kuroki
- Kuromakenshi Earth Eiyuutan (2006) 黒魔剣士アース英雄譚
- Kuromakenshi Earth Maseki Densetsu (2004) 黒魔剣士アース魔石伝説
- Kurts Odyssee
- Kyoku Yume
- Kyomu 虚夢
- Kyoushitsu no Ashiato (1997)
- Kyukkyu-kun Game キュッキュくんゲーム
- La Armadura del Dragón
- La autopsia perdida
- La Bussola d'Oro RPG - The Golden Compass RPG
- Labirint (rambodevil, 2006)
- LABYRINTH - Derelict Abyss
- Labyrinth des Todes
- Labyrinth Star
- Labyronia Elements
- Labyronia RPG
- Labyronia RPG 2
- Labyronia Tales: Legend of Mysteria RPG
- Lacrimosa
- La Espada Cachonda
- Lagoda Odyssey
- Lagoon Heaven
- La Hechicera
- Lakria Legends
- La Leyenda de la isla del sueño
- La Leyenda Heroen Legend of Heroen
- La lune froide (2007)
- Lament of a Pactkeeper
- Lamia Nox
- Land der Schatten
- Landgang
- Land Ho!
- Land of Dreams
- Land's Hope
- Lands of Taemoh: The Series
- Landy Land
- LanVodis
- Laquanda
- Las Aventuras de Pepe
- Last Dawn - Die Schatten der Zeit
- Las Teiboleras Contra-Atacan
- Last Existence (Flameside, 2004)
- Last Fantasy
- Last Intention (SuperGamer, 2004)
- Last Man Standing
- Last Quest IV: The Prequeling
- Last Retributor ~Tabitachi no Mukou ni~ (2008) ~旅立ちの向こうに~
- Last Tale (2008)
- Last Tear (Luigi, 2004-2005)
- Last Will
- Last Word
- Latavis - The Legend (2006)
- Laura Kraft and the Devil of Heaven (Meow, 2005)
- Lavender
- Lawrence of Aragorn
- Leafko
- Learson
- Leave
- Leaving Heaven
- Leaving Heaven 2
- LEECH (2004)
- Left Behind
- Legacies of Dondoran
- Legacies of Dondoran 2
- Legacy
- Legacy of Destiny
- Legacy of Dream
- Legacy of Lightning and Darkness (Darksoul, 2006)
- Legacy of Terra (Ultima, 2006-2007)
- Legacy of the Guilds
- Legendary Quest
- Legende (Froschvampir, 2004)
- Legenden und Reisen
- Legenden von Keltanis (Syno, 2006-...)
- Legend of Ahilia (kphil, 2004-2005)
- Legend of Another World (2001)
- Legend of Denadel 2k3
- Legend of Dragonball - The Movie Edition
- Legend of Dragonknights (Tolek, 2006-2007)
- Legend of Dragoon (DjRed5, 2005)
- Legend of Elements
- Legend of Emilar
- Legend of Ethestra
- Legend of Faria
- Legend of Fire (2004)
- Legend of Gaia
- Legend of Hermina
- Legend of Islands (2003)
- Legend of Mana (cloud30, Black Man, 2005-2006)
- Legend of Midor (2011)
- Legend of Plank
- Legend of Sanayo (2004)
- Legend of Sedram - Rise of Minions
- Legend of Shenja - Genesis Innocens
- Legend of Shadows
- Legend of Terra (Motig, 2007)
- Legend of Theia (2013-...)
- Legend of the Mysterummy
- Legend of the Three Islands
- Legend of Tiara (2003)
- Legend of Tunek (2007)
- Legend of Vanadia
- Legend of Verentos (NeptunVII, 2004)
- Legends (2005)
- Legends 2 (2005)
- Legends of Astravia
- Legends of Eden (StongSoul, 2006)
- Legends of fallen Heroes (2006)
- Legends of Hispheria 1 - Terra Loona (Lord Biowulve, 2007)
- Legends Of Illarion
- Legends Of Illarion 2: Sins Of The Gods
- Legends of System Gaia (2011)
- Legion Saga
- Legion Saga DX
- Legion Saga II
- Legion Saga III
- Legionwood: Tale Of The Two Swords
- Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm
- Leid Deluxe
- LEIWA ALIVE (2019)
- Lembayung
- Lemtingas metas
- Leo & Leah: A Love Story
- Leons Adventure (Kreuz, 2006)
- Leon sucht den Narrenstar (2008)
- Lesser Key Devil
- Les Visiteurs Dans L'Espace